Welcome to our Parish Website

On behalf of the Parish Community of Saint Veronica, I welcome you to our website.  We have some information about our parish community.  They are not as extensive, though.

I trust that you check us out physically and join us in our Masses, devotional practices and various faith strengthening spiritual activities.

Like our patroness, Saint Veronica, we strive to bear and share the face of Jesus!

Welcome and see you soon. 

With my prayers for you and your loved ones!

Rev. Peter James R. Alindogan

St. Veronica Parish Mission Statement

We, the Parish Family of Saint Veronica,
are called through Baptism to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in faith, hope and love.

We strive toward deeper conversion by active participation in the Eucharist
and by being good stewards to one another.

Through vibrant evangelization, a welcoming community and Spirit-led service
we continually challenge ourselves to bear the face of Jesus
like our patroness did as we journey together in unity,
to the glory and honor of God.


Upcoming Calendar of Events: 

  • March 21, 29: Soup, Speaker and Stations: March 21, 29 and April 4. Join in the parish hall at 5:45PM for soup. Speaker to follow in the church at 6:30PM then Stations of the Cross at 7:00PM. Good Will donations being taken for Rice bowls
  • March 24, 31 and Aril 7: Confessions and Miraculous medal Novena: Mondays in the church. Confessions during Lent from 6:30PM-8:00PM followed by Novena, prayer, Adoration and Benediction year round at 8:00PM
  • March 29 & 30: Easter Basket Collection for Catholic Charities: provide Easter Baskets for children in homeless shelters and for all children in need in this community. Please drop your donations on the table in the narthex
  •  March 30, 31 and April 1: Lenten Parish Mission: Topic: Give up Worry for Lent. Speaker: Gary Zimak
  • April 4: Soup, Speaker and Stations: Join in the parish hall at 5:45PM for soup. Speaker to follow in the church at 6:30PM then Stations of the Cross at 7:00PM. Good Will donations being taken for Rice bowls
  • April 5 & 6: Palm Cross sales: Knights of Columbus will be selling palm crosses after all Masses. Flyer
  • April 11: Fish and Chips: Flyer. Enjoy a fish and chips dinner in the parish hall beginning at 5:00PM. All are invited to attend. Last seating is at 6:30PM to end before the presentation of the Living Stations in the church at 7:00PM. Fish and Chips Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Purchase tickets online. Tickets are also available for purchase at the parish office.
  • April 11: Living Station: Join our religious education students as they narrate and present the Living Stations of the Cross at 7:00PM in the church. Living Stations flyer
  • April 12: Easter Egg Hunt: 10:00AM-12:00PM. Meet on parish grounds in front of parish center. Email religioused@stveronica.com to sign up. Parishioners can donate plastic eggs, candy and trinkets to fill eggs. Drop off at parish or RE office. Flyer
  • April 12-13: Palm Sunday: Regular Mass Schedule – Saturday 4:00PM, Sunday 7:30AM, 10:00AM, 12:ooPM and 5:00PM
  • April 14-25: Easter Break: No classes for Religious Education students.
  • April 15: 10 Hour Adoration and Confession: Holy Tuesday – Exposition of the Holy Eucharist after 12:00PM Mass, Confession is from 1:00PM to 10:00PM, Reposition of the Holy Eucharist at 10:00PM
  • April 17: Holy Thursday: Morning Prayers at 7:30AM in the Church. Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 7:00PM with Church Procession, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed until 12 Midnight in Church
  • April 18: Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion:  Morning Prayers at 7:30AM in the Church. Outdoor Stations of the Cross at 12:00PM. Commemoration of Our Lord’s Passion at 3:00PM.
    Outdoor Stations of the Cross and Divine Mercy Prayers at 7:00PM
  • April 19: Holy Saturday: Morning Prayers: 7:30AM in the Church. No 8:00AM Mass. No confession. No 4:00PM Mass.
  • April 19: Blessing of Easter Food: All are invited to bring food to be blessed at 1:00PM in the Church
  • April 19: Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil: 8:00PM in the Church
  • April 20: Sonrise Liturgy: 6:00AM at Our Lady’s Grotto
  • April 20: Easter Sunday, The Resurrection of the Lord, The Mass of Easter Day: 7:30AM in the Church; 10:00AM in the Church, Parish Hall, and Livestream; and 12:00PM in the Church. Christ is Risen!

Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy:

St. Veronica Church presents Sacred Italy Jubilee Pilgrimage of Hope, October 27 – November 7, 2025 
Join Monsignor Peter Kochery and fellow parishioners of St. Veronica Church on a 12-day spiritual adventure through the heart of Catholic heritage. Together, we will walk in the footsteps of saints, visit basilicas, and deepen our faith in the presence of God’s holiness. Pilgrimage includes visits to Rome, Montecassino, San Giovanni Rotondo, Monte Sant’Angelo, Assisi, Lanciano, Loreto, Siena, Florence, and Milan! BROCHURE. See bulletin for Parish Contacts.


Weekly Mass Intentions:

Reserve Mass Intentions using our online form. For more information on the three types of Mass Intentions St Veronica provides, please visit our Mass Intentions and Memorial Page.

Parishioners! Please update your contact Information:

So that we can better inform you, please help us update the St. Veronica Parish Data Base by updating your contact information using the UPDATE FORM.
Update forms are also available in the Narthex.

Stewardship is a Way of Life. Stewardship means that we recognize all we are and all we have is a gift from God. Volunteers are important to St. Veronica Parish! Volunteers share their precious time and God given talents, gifts, skills and abilities to participate in and support the life of the parish.
If you would like to volunteer, please fill out a
  volunteer form.