Respect Life


The Respect Life Committee is a ministry that supports and promotes pro-family and pro-life issues and activities, working closely with and under the direction of the Respect Life Office of the Diocese of Trenton.

Our most important activity is prayer for an end to abortion, suicide, euthanasia, and infanticide.  Following the weekday daily Mass (which is at 12 noon), the recitation of the Rosary includes the special invocation “Jesus, protect and save the unborn.”  The monthly Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (on the first Monday of the month, at 8:00 p.m.) is offered for the unborn.  We encourage our members to spend an hour a week before Our Lord during Eucharistic Adoration (Monday – Friday, 12:30 – 3:55, in the church), praying for the conversion of all those involved in abortion, suicide, euthanasia, and infanticide.

We participate in activities sponsored by the diocesan Respect Life Office, such as the annual trip to Washington, D.C., for the March for Life (on or about January 22), the annual, diocesan, Respect Life Masses (in March), and various legislative petitions regarding legislation that involves respect-life issues such as abortion or physician-assisted suicide.  We also encourage our parishioners to visit the diocesan Respect Life website,

We also sponsor a number of events during the year, including:
* the annual Life Chain (on the first Sunday in October),
* the semiannual, 40 Days for Life event (in the spring and fall),
* a Respect Life table with pro-life literature at the annual Catholic Men for Jesus Christ rally (in March),
* seminars on pro-life topics.

If you are interested in making a difference in countering today’s culture of death, please contact us, via the parish office’s email address (in the right-hand bar of this webpage).

Lisa Franey
St. Veronica Parish Respect Life Committee