Weekly Stewardship of Treasure
St Veronica counts on the regular use of the envelopes and online giving contributions to pay for the upkeep and maintenance of the church buildings and grounds, to run parish ministries and programs, to help plan for the future needs of the parish and parishioners, to fund outreach initiatives and to help set realistic goals for future planning. Cash placed in the offertory basket is not recordable and St Veronica cannot issue a Year End Tax Statement for cash donations unless the cash donation is placed in an envelope and marked with the givers name and address.
Two preferred ways give:
- online line giving through ParishSoft Giving
- parish envelope system
The parish envelope system is an easy and organized way of making your financial contributions to the parish on a regular basis. Envelopes enables us to record your contributions and issue year-end statements for tax purposes. Please call the parish office to receive giving envelopes.
St Veronica Parish Online Giving is a safe, consistent and convenient way to give electronically without the hassle of writing checks or filling envelopes. St. Veronica Parish is committed to providing you with a secure and accessible way to give online. Additionally, your online contributions are automatically uploaded into our accounting system saving parish staff hours of manually inputting parishioner’s contributions.
Online Giving Powered by
Ways to set up a new online account :
- Scan this QR code with your cell phone camera to create an account, to make a one-time donation or set up reoccurring donations via the Saint Veronica Online Giving Portal.
- or Text GIVE to the phone # 732-838-9031
- Call the parish at 732-363-4200 and we can help you set up your account.
To create an account:
- Click on link to online portal (above)
- At top of the online giving page click on SIGN IN
- At bottom of sign-in page, see create an account.
- Complete steps as prompted.
- Please Set up and process each donation separately
- Do not hesitate to call the parish office for assistance
Other Contributions to the St. Veronica:
- Donations are also accepted In Memory of a deceased loved one or to commemorate a Special Occasion.
- Please remember the “Church of St. Veronica” in your will or estate plans
- If you would like to make a larger monetary donation, sponsor a parish event, participate in gift matching initiatives or purchase liturgical items intended for a particular purpose, please contact the business manager, Linda Dickinson-Pancila through the Parish Office.
- Donations of stocks or bonds, retirement plans and IRAs are also accepted. DOT Stock Transfer Instructions for Parish
All donations will be gratefully acknowledged and a tax receipt provided.
Giving Template
St Veronica-My Catholic Giving Guide Template
This Giving template will help you create your giving plan for 2024 so that you can be a more intentional giver or steward of God’s great gifts in 2024. God is calling us to give from our first fruits or from our need rather than from our want or surplus. What does this mean? Like the poor widow in Mark 12:41-44 who put two small copper coins in the collection, she offered all she had to God without concern or worry. Jesus tells his disciples that many of the people “contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.” What an act of selflessness on the part of the widow and her trust in God to provide for all her needs.
What is Tithing?
Tithe comes from an Old English word meaning a ‘tenth part.” Tithing is the practice, established by God in the Old Testament, of returning 10% of our blessings to God. However, in the New Testament, Jesus tells us to give up everything and follow him. 10% seems really hard for many, but as we all know “everything” is far harder to do.” It is true that while God doesn’t demand a fixed amount of money from us; he does want us to give from the heart. It is important to give freely and cheerfully the amount you are able to give, that is why it is called a gift.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that “The faithful . . . have the duty of providing for the material needs of the church, each according to his abilities.” That being said, about 69% of Catholics who donate, give 2-5% of their income to charity. This is far below “tithing.” Of that giving, many donate between 0-2% to their parish. When considering implementing tithing into your giving plan the suggested giving amounts according to the tithing model are 5% to your parish and 5% to other Church needs and charities that serve the greater community.
Stewardship Reports
Stewardship report FY 2022_ 2023
Stewardship report FY 2021_2022
Stewardship Report FY 2020 – 2021
2025 Annual Catholic Appeal – Fan the Flame of Hope
For more information of the 2025 Annual Catholic Appeal please visit: https://dioceseoftrenton.org/catholicappeal
To access Bishop O’Connell’s video message please click on the photo
or visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RqDFcy6UGU
Ways to Give:
- Make a pledge by filling out a pledge donation card
- Place check or money order in a donation card made payable to Annual Catholic Appeal
Diocese of Trenton Department of Development
PO Box 70170
Newark, NJ 07101 - Online donations: https://dioceseoftrenton.org/aca-donate-page
(Please remember to select St Veronica Parish P3930 when making your Annual Catholic Appeal donation on line)
Accepts: credit cards, electronic transfers from a bank account, Digital wallet giving with PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay, Visa Checkout, and MasterPass. - Gifts of Stock, IRA Distributions, Bequests, Charitable Annuities, and Cryptocurrency can be coordinated by contacting the Department of Development at